Continuing to work on my slo-blues song; laid down some lead tracks this morning. I’m still working out what I want to say in those lead lines so I’ll give it plenty of time for experimentation before committing to a part.
I’m also currently dealing with space issues on my guitar pedalboard so just venting here a little. I’ve got to ditch my Tech-21 TRI-OD to make space for my new H9. In reality though- I’ll likely just keep them both and get a bigger pedalboard soon. All those years of rolling my eyes as guitar players in my bands talked about stuff like this- ha-ha; now I get to take that journey too. Oh well- we do what we must.
Lastly I have been making a bunch of updates to the pages on this site. Most recently I have updated the Scream Radio page, including a new page dedication to Scar the Shell; with more album-specific pages coming soon (for all bands really). Keep watching here and I will highlight these adds as often as I can.
ciao for now- sg