Blue Sky Void

What is Blue Sky Void (BSV)?

“Our machines are rusting, pieced together with duct tape and baling wire, subject to hacks both heavenly and obscene. They are certainly less than human, less than individually sentient: and yet they still seem to yearn to join the dance!”

Blue Sky Void is a live, improvised music ensemble. We consider our music to be experimental and often pushes the boundaries of harmonic taste. All of the music you hear from BSV was a live improvisation at the time it was created, never to be repeated again. Because we pull our ideas from many popular music genres- our songs tend to be accessible enough that many people don’t immediately know/assume it is not a pre-written and rehearsed construct. Hence this explanation- as we do get many questions & suggestions from un-acquainted listeners who struggle to understand how/why we “write” our music the way we do. The simple answer is- it s not written nor rehearsed; it is improvised, stream-of-consciousness, in-the-moment, sonic exploration. Some people simply call it: Sonic Art.


Video Artists

BSV has been fortunate enough to have been, or presently are, collaborating with multiple artists in the visual spectrum- photographers, videographers, animators and/or all-around visual artists. Each production warrants it’s own description but there isn’t enough room on this page- so here are some of our favorite collaborators…

Teah Cory

What- another Cory? …well naturally, they are an unusually artistic family. Teah is a photographer and film maker. She has worked with BSV and provided us with some great camera & video footage which we still use for promo and occasional video supplementation today.

Nick Bosson

Nick has been our master of presence in the Tik Tok universe. His many shorts and re-mixes of BSV works have been an under-appreciated effort in a market that we, frankly, have not had the time and/or resources to fully exploit.

Gennui Raffill

Gennui is a fantastic photographer and, a sometimes, “Live from the Void” camera operator. Her assistance in our live shows has been critical but it is often forgotten that Gennui also shot one of the first, produced BSV song videos: Just for Love, Just for Spite.


“Jasper” is a video editor and all-around film creator. He was instrumental in helping BSV with our video presence in the early days. He still occasionally assists with LFTV camera work and will always be part of the BSV family.

Spooky Porch

Mr. Porch is a multimedia producer, in his own right, and has produced many of the BSV shorts and advertisement videos you can find on YouTube. Mr. Porch is famously credited with the first-contact, anthropological discovery of “Carol A.I.” …a story which is still unfolding, but you can observe early evidence of his discovery here: An End to Doubt and Misery.

Rael Razor

Rael’s contributions to BSV’s visual presence comes in the form of official T-Shirt producer. “Ant Tees Rael T’s” have been a formidable presence in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1987, and BSV is happy to wear his line of fashion products.

Simon Grant

Simon is a long time multimedia producer and his contributions to the BSV visual experience are- producing many of BSVs animated song videos, producing and editing BSVs “Director’s Cut” and “Redux” versions of the weekly “Live from the Void” show, as well as producing the bi-monthly “Videos from the Void” show.

Watch & Listen

Official BSV Song Videos

All of BSV’s official videos are published on YouTube and Rumble. Here is a link to the YouTube playlist of BSV’s official single-song music videos…

Exploring the Void

First there was Live from the Void! Then BSV modified the show to a “recorded live” production. This allowed more flexibility for producing higher quality and performances with more consistent video and sound quality. Like their official videos- “Exploring the Void” is published to YouTube and Rumble. And here is a link to the YouTube playlist for the “Exploring the Void” shows…

Live from the Void!

The show that started it all- LFTV was BSV’s first foray into live-stream content. The show ran as a weekly series for about six months. After struggling to maintain a consistent sound and video crew- the show was eventually retired, in favor of the current “Exploring the Void” recorded-live series. These shows were live streamed to YouTube. You can many of the past LFTV episodes on this playlist…

Videos from the Void

A few times per year- BSV produces a “Videos from the Void” show, which showcases the band’s best videos. This show was originally conceived as a quarterly presentation, but currently there are no plans to produce more often than annually (year end retrospective). At any rate- there are a few versions of this show available, and you could consider it a “best of” if you want to see some BSV videos, but don’t want to spend a weekend watching them all. Here is a playlist of the VTFV shows…



Simon’s BSV Playlist on Spotify

BSV All Around the Web


Thanks for taking a listen- more info will be posted here as the situation develops.

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